Dufu Pavilion Emerges as a Must-Visit Destination for Tourists
Tourists have flooded into Changsha this summer vacation to experience the charm of this "city of internet celebrity". Appreciating the sunrise from Yuelu Mountain and sunset on the Wanjiali International Shopping Mall are on the must-do list of many tourists.
Recently, as the animated film Chang An made history as a dark horse during China"s bustling summer movie-going season, Changsha"s Dufu Pavilion has become a new hit for its light-up moment.
Dufu Pavilion, standing on the bank of the Xiangjiang River, is lit up at 19:30 every day. Numerous visitors flocked to the pavilion, taking photos with their phones to record this brilliant moment. (Photo/Zhou Shuyi, Changsha Evening News)
Visitors were astonished when they witnessed the gradual illumination of the pavilion, layer by layer. "It is so beautiful! The light-up moment is really rewarding," exclaimed a tourist from Guangxi. "The visual impact is even more powerful than what I had seen in online videos," said a student from Shandong Province.
As the night view of Dufu Pavilion becomes a hit, it has injected fresh vitality into Changsha – a "City of Star".
Tourists take photos while the Dufu Pavilion is lit up.
編輯:田夢瑤 吳雨霜(實習生)
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