當前關注:Dragon Boat Festival celebrated in Neijiang
The First China Leisure Sports Challenge and the 11th Neijiang Daqian Dragon Boat Culture Festival kicked off on the shore of the Tiancheng Lake of Neijiang city,Sichuan province,on June 18.The Dragon Boat Festival falls on June 22 this year.
People participate in a dragon boat race to mark the upcoming traditional Chinese Dragon Boat Festival,in Neijiang,Sichuan province,June 18,2023.[photo by Xiao Zhengjun]
This is a major mass cultural activity in Neijiang after the COVID-19 pandemic.It displays traditional culture of Neijiang.The event is also one of the demonstration activities of the"100 boats racing to welcome the Dragon Boat Festival project"of Sichuan.
The Daqian Dragon Boat Culture Festival has become a beautiful calling card of Neijiang.It has been held for ten sessions since 2010.
During the festival this year which will last to July 2,the city is scheduled to hold 12 activities in four categories,including sports,culture,economy and trade,and experience,to fully demonstrate the beauty of natural ecology,cultural charm,and vigorous development of the city,which is famous for its sweet food industry.
Taking full advantage of Tiancheng Lake,or Sweet City Lake,Neijiang actively develops water sports,and strives to develop"sports+tourism"brand events.During the leisure sports challenge in June,there will also be some water stunts performances such as jet ski and water spider man.
In order to further display the"sweet culture"and the competitiveness of its sweet food industry,Neijiang will also hold some food industry development promotion fairs,exhibitions,concerts and a beer festival.
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- 當前關注:Dragon Boat Festival celebrated in Neijiang
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