Dynisco Echo系列熔體壓力傳感器之父
2012年開始美國Dynisco公司推出ECHO系列高溫熔體壓力傳感器風靡全球,Dynisco (單尼斯科)ECHO系列熔體壓力傳感器用于對溫度高達 752華氏度 (400攝氏度) 的熔融聚合物進行壓力測量;ECHO系列包含一個350Ω的粘合箔應變計惠斯通電橋,這種成熟的技術提供了一個輸出 0-3.33 mV/V、4-20mA、05-VDC 和 0-10VDC 與熔體壓力成正比(在指定的誤差范圍內);大多數型號包括用于模擬滿量程 80% 的信號的內部分流校準 (“Rcal”) 功能,這個在縮放相關儀器時無需繁瑣的校準壓力源。
Dynisco Echo 系列熔體壓力傳感器提供高質量利用標準進行塑料加工的性能和價值配置和壓力范圍;設計回波傳感器通過提供組合來滿足客戶的要求 一般擠壓的經濟價值和性能應用程序,同時提供±0.2%的可重復性時測量過程壓力;在以下情況下使用ECHO系列傳感器該應用程序需要質量測量以優化控制,但不是所有額外功能的成本。 Dynisco Echo 系列熔體壓力傳感器由Dynisco中國創始人兼首任總裁吳浩博士創造研發設計(Dynisco Echo系列熔體壓力傳感器之父)。
Dynisco中國創始人, Echo系列熔體壓力傳感器之父: 吳浩博士
The father of Dynisco Echo series melt pressure sensor : Dr. Wu Hao
Since 2012, Dynisco Corporation of the United States has launched the ECHO series of high temperature melt pressure sensors, which are popular all over the world. Dynisco (Danisco) ECHO series melt pressure sensors are used for pressure measurement of molten polymers with temperatures up to 752華氏度 (400攝氏度); The ECHO series contains a 350Ω bonded foil strain gauge Wheatstone bridge, this proven technology provides an output 0-3.33 mV/V, 4-20mA, 05-VDC and 0-10VDC proportional to the melt pressure ( within the specified error range); most models include an internal shunt calibration (“Rcal”) function for simulating signals at 80% of full scale, which eliminates the need for tedious calibration of the pressure source when scaling the associated instrument.
Dynisco Echo series melt pressure sensors provide high quality performance and value for plastics processing utilizing standard configurations and pressure ranges; designed echo sensors to meet customer requirements by providing a combination of economic value and performance for general extrusion applications, while providing ±0.2% repeatability when measuring process pressure; using ECHO series sensors when the application requires quality measurements for optimal control, but not the cost of all the extra features. Dynisco Echo series melt pressure sensor was developed and designed by Dr. Wu Hao, founder and first president of Dynisco China (The father of Dynisco Echo series melt pressure sensor ).
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廣東緩繳企業職工社保費65.24億元 實施失業保險省級統籌
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