《中國推介·中華酒魂》:中國白酒守藝人 守藝 守道 守心
Tanggou Liquor Industry has always been a protector of Chinese Liquor skills,which makes an old flavor of Luzhou flavor liquor.
In the past 400 years,the method of making liquor has always been the same.People were changing,not the skill.Sometimes the most traditional skill becomes the most wonderful skill.
So where do the old taste come from?It is what we call Tanggou Four Old-old place,old skill,old cellar,and old craftsman.The old place can also be called the old environment,which is the unique ecological micro environment of Tanggou.The second is the old craftsmen.We have a team of 600 craftsmen,each craftsman who goes to the front must have more than 10 years of working experience.The third is the old cellars.We have nearly 4000 old cellars,cellar age ranges from 50 to 400 years.The fourth is our old skill,which is also called Laowuzeng Skill,Which is also a skill that our ancestors used all the time.It is also the most suitable and the highest second technology that has been tested by time.These four olds interpret why Tanggou liquor industry is the protector of Chinese Liquor skills.
Tanggou liquor of southern China is fragrant for ten li.This is the praise of Hong Sheng,a famous poet and dramatist in the Qing Dynasty,to the Chinese time-honored Tanggou liquor.Generations of wine makers have taught each other by words and deeds more than 400 years made achievement of Tanggou liquor's peerless style.
Tanggou is a famous wine town,from the wine vessels and wine utensils unearthed in this area,it can be proved that the origin of Tanggou liquor making can be traced back to the pre Qin period,Tanggou liquor has a recorded history of more than 1000 years.Built in the early years of the Northern Song Dynasty,it is on the merit tablet of Ayuwang pagoda of Haiqing temple in Huaguoshan.There is the record of the donation of Tangjiagou people.In the Southern Song Dynasty,Tang Fuxing prospered the liquor making industry here.Huang Yusheng,a native of Shanxi Province,set up Yusheng distillery workshop here.Our Xiangquan well has been 450 years,and it is still sweet and refreshing,our Tianqi wine cellar has been used for 400 years,and is still producing fine wine today.
Good wine comes from inheritance,brilliance comes from striving.While inheriting traditional skills,Tanggou liquor industry keeps up with the pace of the times,constantly explores and grows,it has not only gained remarkable achievements,but also created a new connotation of the brand.
The sales revenue in 2020 has increased by nearly 60%compared with the end of the 12th Five Year Plan.In particular,we established the brand strategic position of the‘protector of Chinese Liquor skills’.Overall layout of the provincial market,we have set up flagship stores of Tanggou in Nanjing,Wuxi and Suzhou.New decade,new journey,Tanggou liquor industry will closely focus on the concept of‘emphasizing quality,establishing characteristics and strengthening brand’and the target of‘new decade,new 10 billion’,persevere,continue to struggle,the main task is to promote the listing of enterprises and the integration of factories and towns,and pay more attention to public welfare.
As a modern enterprise,Tanggou liquor industry has gone through more than 100 years,enterprises can stick to it and keep growing,it depends on the persistence of brand and quality,it depends on the enterprise's social responsibility.Mission calls for responsibility,striving for the future.We will overcome all difficulties and obstacles on our way forward,sprinkle sweat on the road,and exchange hardship for happiness,forge ahead towards the goal of the new decade,present to the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party with outstanding achievements in reform and development!
Tanggou liquor industry relies on the ingenuity of one hundred years of inheritance and the original intention of sticking to the quality,not afraid of the hardships on the way forward,ushers in a new mission and calls for a new responsibility.
深圳最低工資標準調整為2360元/月 失業保險金為2124元/月
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