Participants shine during rafting competition held at Central China resort| 許多漂流愛好者在華中地區爭渡 焦點報道
Participants take part in the China Yichang Chaotianhou Natural Waters International Rafting Competition at the Chaotianhou Scenic Area in Xingshan county, Yichang, Central China"s Hubei Province, on Saturday. (Photos: Chen Bin)
This photo shows participants taking part in the competition on Saturday. Twenty-six professional teams from 10 countries, more than 800 college students from more than 170 universities across China and over 1,600 rafting enthusiasts from 18 countries took part in the competition.
This photo shows people taking part in the opening ceremony of the competition on Saturday. Since 2012, 10 international natural waters rafting competitions have been held at the scenic area.
This photo shows participants taking part in the competition at the Chaotianhou Scenic Area in Xingshan county, Yichang, Central China"s Hubei Province, on Saturday. The scenic spot receives 450,000 visitors annually, allowing it to rank first in the rafting industry in Hubei Province for many years now.
Participants take part in the China Yichang Chaotianhou Natural Waters International Rafting Competition at the Chaotianhou Scenic Area in Xingshan county, Yichang, Central China"s Hubei Province, on Saturday.
Source: People"s Daily
Editor: Lai Yingying
Senior Editor: Pang Bo
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