South Korea signs deal with Tunisia to facilitate development aid
TUNIS, Aug. 11 (Xinhua) -- South Korea inked an agreement with Tunisia on Friday to facilitate its development aid to the North African country, Tunisia"s Foreign Ministry said in a statement.
Under the agreement, which was signed by Tunisia"s Foreign Minister Nabil Ammar and South Korea"s Ambassador to Tunisia Sun Nahm-kook, South Korea will host training sessions for Tunisian executives, send experts and volunteers to Tunisia, and provide equipment for joint projects in Tunisia, the statement read.
The Tunisian minister called on both sides to further explore opportunities for cooperation and partnerships, especially in the areas of development and infrastructure projects, digitalization of services and increasing South Korea"s investment in Tunisia.
Ammar also stressed the need of improving coordination in order to create programs for triangular cooperation with African countries.
- South Korea signs deal with Tunisia to facilitate development aid
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